Insect Shield Flea & Tick Protection Blanket For Dogs (Grey)
Insect Shield Flea & Tick Protection Blanket For Dogs (Grey)
Insect Shield technology converts clothing and gear into long-lasting, effective and convenient
insect repellent. Insect Shield is used by 80+ grands globally as well as the US Military which treats
its combat uniforms. The treatment process and method is registered by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States and is also on the Oeko-Tex ® approved chemistry list.
Insect Shield for Pets permethrin dog clothes and other canine products help keep insects away -- repelling ticks, fleas, mites, and other bugs that can carry dangerous illnesses such as Lyme, Disease and Heartworm.
Insect Shield for Pets permethrin dog clothes and other canine products keep insects away, repelling
ticks, fleas, mites, and other bugs that can carry dangerous illnesses such as Lyme Disease and Heartworm.
Insect Shield® technology converts apparel and gear into long-lasting, effective and convenient
insect protection.
• Technology is the result of years of research and field study.
• The active ingredient is a man-made version of a natural insect deterrent found in certain types of
chrysanthemum plants
• Gear: Lasts through 25 washes, the expected lifetime of a product.
Insect Shield Advantages :
• Bug protection
• Invisible protection
• Durable • Convenient
• Comfortable
• Effective
• Easy-care
• Tested/proven
• Proven protection
• Dependable protection
• Long-lasting protection
• Built-in Insect Shield®
• Odorless
• Unscented protection
• No unpleasant scent
• Bug barrier
Insect Shield® protects against mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, fleas, chiggers and midges.
Product Details
• 100% Polyester
• Dimensions: 56" x 68"
• Repels mosquitoes, ticks, flies and fleas including those that can carry dangerous diseases such as
Lyme and malaria.
• Built-in, odorless, invisible protection
• No special care or storage required. Do not dry clean.
Note to Cat Owners : While permethrin has been known to be harmful to cats in liquid form, Insect Shield repellency is so tightly bound to the fabric fibers in such minimal amounts that it does not pose a risk to cats, or when used in multi-pet households.