Honeycare Tofu Litter for Cats
by HoneyCare
Honeycare Tofu Litter for Cats
Honey Care Tofu Cat Litter is an unscented cat litter made of tofu which is natural, biodegradable and eco-friendly & has the ability to eliminate odour and absorb liquids.
Its antibacterial properties also allow Honey Care Original Tofu Cat Litter to help restrict bacterial growth and maintain a hygienic litter box environment for your cat.
Honey Care Original Tofu Cat Litter can be easily scooped after it clumps, disposed directly into the toilet and flushed away for easy disposal.
Unlike some cat litters, Honey Care Original Tofu Cat Litter is dust free and is recommended for cats with respiratory problems that can be triggered by dust.
Ingredients : Unscented Tofu