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Dealing with Dog Allergies - What Pawparents need to understand

Dealing with Dog Allergies - What Pawparents need to understand

Just like their paw-parents, dogs could suffer from allergies. The constant sneezing, and itching. Generally, allergies are not fun, for anyone. So, how do you ensure your dog is not suffering from something serious like a bacterial infection or canine influenza? How can you tell your dog has allergies?
Let’s start by looking at symptoms of allergies. Let’s dive in!

Symptoms Of Allergies In Dogs
Although the main symptom of allergy in dogs is itching, paw parents should also look out for runny nose, sneezing or poor coat condition.
Less common other possible types of it include snoring and coughing, which might occur especially if the throat gets inflamed.

Causes of Dog Allergic Reactions
Like humans, dog allergies can blow up due to multiple causes. This usually occurs when their immune system invoke a strong reaction to a disagreeable foreign substance.

Types of Dog Allergies
Dogs might react to allergens through ingesting them, skin contact, or inhaling them. Your dog might also experience allergic reactions from fleabites. Even then, there are 4 main types of it, with each varying in the degree of severity and are food allergies, environmental (or Atopy), contact and Flea.

Note: Allergies don't have to be suffered as full-blown reactions to be treated as such.

One Common Myth / Environment Allergies Debunked
- Allergies cause chronic ear infections
Contrary to common belief, chronic ear infections hardly point at dog allergies. Rather yeast overgrowth is often mistaken as dog allergies since the yeast attempts to exit through paws, ears, and hair follicles.
Internal yeast overgrowth often causes chronic ear infections and bacteria can cause ear infections. If antibiotic eardrops are used then you stop usage, when the infection returns immediately after, then the issue is yeast.

Breeds with a Higher Risk For Allergies
It’s estimated that about 10 per cent of all dogs have allergies. However, there are specific breeds with a higher risk of getting allergies. Still, all dogs may potentially develop allergies at one time in their life.

The breeds with a higher risk of experiencing allergies include Terriers, Pugs, Golden retrievers, Bulldogs, Beagles, Boxers, Irish setters, Dalmatians, Boston terriers, and German shepherds.

Bottom Line
Like humans, dogs do experience allergies. The continual irritation can especially be awful for you and your dog when they don’t understand where it's coming from. It is important that you confirm that your dog in fact has allergies and not another different ailment. Luckily, once the allergies are confirmed, pet owners can now offer a variety of safe ways to treat their beloved pets.

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