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Potty Training Your Dog (House breaking your dog)

Potty Training Your Dog (House breaking your dog)

For every dog owner, it is a struggle to train our dogs to go potty at the right place. Owners who live in houses with a garden have it easier because they can train their pets to do their business outside. But, for those who live in HDB like most of us, we need to use alternatives like pee pads or pee trays.

If you want to potty train your dog, here are some tips to make it easier for you and your pet.

Buy The Right Dog Potty

Pee pads and pee trays are the most popular types of dog potties available in the market. They resemble places where dogs often go potty if they were outdoors. It could be a patch of grass or a simple plastic tray.

When picking the right dog potty for your pet, consider the size of your dog, its design and how easy it is to clean like the ones from Bronco Pee Pads. It is important that you stick to a good dog potty that your dog can use as they grow so they won't get confused.

Pick The Right Spot To Place Your Dog Potty

Once you have your Pee Pad like the ones from Honey Care, pick the right place to lay it down. Ideally, pick the spot that is confined yet easy to view.

Don't put it near carpet or furniture so dog pee would not accidentally stain it as you train your pet. The place must also be permanent so that your pet will not be confused.

Direct Your Pet To The Potty

Start introducing your pet to their potty after they wake up, eat, play and every 2 hours.

Puppies, in particular, need to be taught early on to use their potty because they can't hold on very long. You can use a leash to direct them where to go.

Your dogs will not pick this new process easily at first so you have to be patient while training them. Praise them when they managed to use the pad.

Cleaning Your Pet's Pee Stains

While training your dog to be house broken, there will be a chance they will have some accidents along the way.

To ensure that your dog doesn't repeat it again, clean the places they had accidents thoroughly.

The best way to get rid of the scent is by using pet odor cleaners like Bio Chun Active Stain & Odor Remover or Simple Solution Stain & Odor Remover. These pet odor cleaners often contain enzymes that will break the lingering scents down and ensure dogs won't pick it up again.

House breaking a dog is a very long process and it can be frustrating to do so for any pet owner. But, if you are consistent with a routine your pet can follow and stick to, you will be able to potty train your dog without worries.

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